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How to disable e-mail field (required) for registration of users

Dieses Thema im Forum "Plugins und Widgets" wurde erstellt von mysenfdazu, 8. September 2015.

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  1. mysenfdazu

    mysenfdazu Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Juli 2015
    Hey. I have 2 questions.

    If I am in the wrong subforum, so please notify me and move it to the right forum. Thank you.

    So, 1.) Where does Wordpress ( and the other CMS) save the files? The static websites? Is there a folder, where the - for example - aboutus.php,
    index.php, ...php, and so on is saved?
    Or are the whole static sits really saved in the database? I am asking this question, becaus I wanted to know if it is really not possible to edit some .php pages manually... add some code manually and delete some manually..

    and, 2.) I know many Websites, made with WORDPRESS and some made with DRUPAL, where - for example - the "e-mail" field is not required and is not shown while new user sign up/registraton...How is this madeable?

    ---> BECAUSE: I am creating a website for anonym studies. So there users should only need a username and password for sign in. To be very discrete.

    I have seen wordpress and some other cms' sites, where this is not required ( or not shown). Does anyone know, How I could realize that? And if it is not possible doing anything complicated... yeah, whant doing..? - is it possible, that the E-mAIL field is hidden and every user gets an e-mail-adress like " Username @ domainofthesite.com" ? If yes, how can I hide the required email field and manage that everyone gets an email adress like above? .........

    Please help me!! Thats really important, when creating a website for victims of
    domestic abuse /violence, because nobody will enter their real email adress. If it is not needed, then I don't want it while signing up!

    Long post, sorry. But pls pls help me!!!!
    Thank you all!
    #1 mysenfdazu, 8. September 2015
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 8. September 2015
  2. maxe

    maxe Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Mai 2008
    du sprichst doch sonst immer deutsch hier im Forum, warum jetzt englisch?
    Bitte bleibe weiterhin bei deutsch hier im deutschsprachigem Forum.
  3. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Juni 2005
Status des Themas:
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