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Erfahrungen WP Job Manager o.a. Jobboard?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Allgemeines" wurde erstellt von MartinMUC, 12. Januar 2022.

  1. MartinMUC

    MartinMUC New Member

    Registriert seit:
    11. Januar 2022
    Liebe WP-Community,

    als ziemlicher Wordpress-Laie erbitte ich Euern Rat.

    Ich bin Redakteur bei einem kleinen Fachverlag, welcher zur Refinanzierung für eine sehr überschaubare Zielgruppe eine Jobbörse einrichten möchte. Wir integrieren derzeit < 20 Stellenanzeigen mit google 4 jobs Verknüpfung in der auf WP laufenden Redaktionsseite. Die Preise dafür sind minimal, weil wir natürlich nur diejenigen Leser ansprechen, die ihren Fach-Content lesen möchten. Nicht aber diejenigen, die gezielt in diesem Bereich nach einem Job suchen.

    Deswegen ist jetzt die Idee, eine eigene Jobbörse mit eigener „jobs"-Domain zu installieren, damit die bei und von uns eingestellten Jobs auf dieser gespiegelt/dupliziert verbreitet werden. Wir versprechen uns davon eine andere Sichtbarkeit der Stellenangebote.
    Ob diese zweite Domain als reine Jobbörse und Ergänzung zwingend sein muss - da sind wir noch nicht zu 100% sicher. Möchten dazu vorher aber wissen, was technisch überhaupt möglich ist.

    Bei meiner Recherche bin ich nun auf den WP Job Manager gestoßen und wollte fragen, ob Ihr damit Erfahrungen gemacht habt. Es scheint ja das am weitesten verbreitete Jobboard Plugin zu sein.
    Oder gibt es bessere Alternativen?
    Unsere technische WP-Freelancerin hat mit Jobboards noch gar keine Erfahrungen gesammelt, so dass ich gerne etwas mehr Sicherheit bekommen würde, ob der WP Job Manager überhaupt die richtige Wahl für uns ist (wenn man das klassische, immer ähnliche Jobbörsen-Format wie bspw. www.jobware.de umsetzen möchte).
    Oder gibt es einen Tip, welche Agentur schon mal eine funktionierende Jobbörse mit dem WP Job Manager umgesetzt hat, die ich mal ansprechen könnte?

    Danke schon mal für's Lesen und evtl. einen Tip ;)
  2. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    Hallo Martin,

    zu Allererst mal Herzlich Willkommen hier auf WordPress-Deutschland. Du bist bei Wordpress sehr gut "aufgehoben" - wohl nirgends gibt es mehr Plugins und Lösungen für dich...

    ,....hier ein kleiner Überblick - klar, so wie du seh ich das auch - WP-Jobmanager ist wohl der De facto-Standard; Da liegst du sicher ganz richtig.

    hier vorweg allerdings noch ein kl. Überblick auf die Alternativen:

    Job Board Manager
    Demo: http://www.pickplugins.com/demo/job-board-manager/

    hatte ich auch schon - der Entwickler ist ansprechbar, baut auch schnell noch Erweiterungen u. Addons. Insgesamt sehr sehr erfreulich. der Job-Board Manager ist klasse - hat auch ein Alert-Addon und viele viele andere Erweiterungen. Ich find das sehr gelungen.

    Apply Online
    Demo: https://wpreloaded.com/plugins/apply-online/apply-online-demo

    Simple Job Board
    Demo: http://jobboardextensions.demo.presstigers.com/

    WP Job Board
    Demo: https://wpjobboard.net/demo/

    JobSearch WP Job Board
    Demo: https://www.wpexplorer.com/out/jobsearch-plugin-preview

    kommen wir zu wpjobmanager: https://wpjobmanager.com sehr attraktiv: die Addons: https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/

    Last updated: vor 5 Monaten
    Aktive installationen:100,000+
    WordPress Version:5 xx oder höher

    WP Job-Manager ist am weitesten verbreitet - hat eine große Nutzergruppe - und sehr viele Plugins, bzw. Addons. Etliche Addons sind frei, manche kosten dann etwas: Das interessante: Du kannst von diesen Addons auch ein Bundle auswählen und dies zu einem günstigen Preis erhalten.

    hier ein kleiner Überblick auf die Zutaten, Plugins und - sehr sehr interessant - auch aüf die Snippets.

    WP Job Manager is a lightweight job listing plugin for adding job-board like functionality
    the famos WP Job Manager: lightweight job listing - it has got 100k installations


    Description WP Job Manager is a lightweight job listing plugin for adding job-board like functionality to your WordPress site. Being shortcode based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is really simple to setup.

    FEATURESAdd, manage, and categorize job listings using the familiar WordPress UI.
    Searchable & filterable ajax powered job listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
    Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage job listings.
    Allow job listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live job listing.
    Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that job seekers can apply to the jobs.
    Searches also display RSS links to allow job seekers to be alerted to new jobs matching their search.
    Allow logged in employers to view, edit, mark filled, or delete their active job listings.
    Developer friendly code — Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.

    demo: https://demo.wpjobmanager.com/

    Addons: http://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons

    support for free - meet hundreds and thousands of user and coder:_

    support: https://wpjobmanager.com/support/

    documentation: advanced customization https://wpjobmanager.com/documentation/advanced-customisation/

    Customization Snippets
    Note: All code examples on this site are provided for developer reference/guidance only and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins. This page consists of all the customization snippets we have so far. We may occasionally add new ones and we encourage everyone to also send their own snippets to us! If you add a customization that you think will benefit others, get in touch with us via our Support form. The more snippets we put on this page, the more it will be useful for everyone!

    get your copy today - head over to https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-job-manager/
    see great coding examplex - eg on stackexchange:

    WP Job Manager plugin - Listing only the twelve job categories on frontpage order by jobs they have

    a developer:
    see the full discussion and the hack here':- https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/362731/wp-job-manager-plugin-listing-only-the-twelve-job-categories-on-frontpage-orde

    WPJM Company Profile Page
    By Gabriel Maldonado
    meta: Version:1.3.0 Last updated:8 months ago Active installations:700+ Tested up to:5.3.6 Tags:job boardjob listingjob listsjob managementjob manager
    Adds a company profile page to WP Job Manager. In this page you’ll be able to see listed all the jobs by the same company, as well as other data like the company description.
    An active install of WP Job Manager in your site is required for this plugin to work.
    For setting up the company pages, you can find a step by step guide here: https://tilcode.blog/wpjm-company-profile-page-add-a-company-profile-page/
    GitHub Repository: https://github.com/iamgabrielma/WPJM-Company-Profile-Page/
    Documentation: https://tilcode.blog/wpjm-company-profile-page-add-a-company-profile-page/

    WPJM Extra Fields
    By Gabriel Maldonado
    meta: version:1.3.0 Last updated:8 months ago Active installations:3,000+ Tested up to:5.3.6 Tags:job boardjob listingjob listsjob managementjob manager
    Adds Salary and Important Information extra fields to WP Job Manager plugin. Both in the front-end for Job Submissions as well as in the back end for Job Listing management.
    An active install of WP Job Manager in your site is required for this plugin to work, you can download it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-job-manager/
    No further setup is required, just install and activate the plugin under Plugins > Add New to see the new extra fields.

    GitHub Repository: https://github.com/iamgabrielma/WPJM-Extra-Fields
    Documentation: https://tilcode.blog/wpjm-extra-fields-adds-extra-fields-to-wp-job-manager-job-listings
    contributor: tilcode.blog
  3. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    Custom Field For WP Job Manager
    By Gravity Master
    meta: Version:1.0 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:600+ Tested up to:5.4.4 Tag:wp-job-manager

    Description: Custom Field For WP Job Manager allows you to quickly and easily add custom fields to the admin and frontend of WP Job Manager pages. All you need do is add the field name you want in WP Job Manager via our initiative admin page.

    Demo: https://codesmade.com/demo/wpjobmanager/post-a-job/
    Pro Version: https://www.codesmade.com/store/custom-field-for-wp-job-manager-pro/
    Support: https://www.codesmade.com/contact-us/

    Ex. if you need to add salary field WP Job Manger, addition job field you can add in Custom field WP Job Manager.
    WP job manager add new fields plugin giving you easy way to setup field in backend side as well frontend both site you can use plugin to config in your website. it also work as wp job manager field editor.
    WP Job Manager field editor can be add on field to action field name and placeholder in Custom Field For WP Job Manager.
    wp job manager add new fields Normally by code you can add custom but by Extra Field WP Job Manager using mostly for this plugin.
    You can be Editing Job Submission Fields in Wp job manager for WP Job Manager Field Editor

    ✅ One Click installation
    ✅ Text, Select, Multi Select, Date, File, Textarea, WPEditor Fields Type support in WP Job Manager
    ✅ Job Submission Fields Support in add field
    ✅ Job Admin Fields in edit and update field
    ✅ Option with want to keep required or not
    ✅ Easy To use
    ✅ Auto Show Field on Single job page

    ✅ Radio, Checkbox Also Avaible
    ✅ Can be Make requied field

    Go to admin in Custom Field For WP Job Manager > Add New Field there just you need to add field name and text field will be show automatically in WP Job Manager field in fronted and backend both side Adding Custom Field on Job List.

    Auto Location Google For WP Job Manager

    allow to add location autocomplete by location search.
    meta: Version:1.0 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:100+ Tested up to:5.4.4 Tag:wp-job-manager111
    Demo: https://codesmade.com/demo/wpjobmanager/jobs/
    Demo2: https://codesmade.com/demo/wpjobmanager/post-a-job/
    Support: https://www.codesmade.com/contact-us/

    Users when adding a location in WP Job Manager Auto Location auto-suggests locations. The locations are show up directly from Google Maps and Show popup on popup like that
    This for visitor can be easy to auto suggest location from google in wp job manger

    ✅ One Click installation
    ✅ Google attractive style show
    ✅ All theme Supported
    ✅ Get Correct Address from google
    ✅ Easy To use

    ✅ Particular country of location show
    ✅ Types Supported Ex. if choose cities than just show cities name

    Go to admin in Settings > WP Job Google Location just enable settings and add google api key. you can get api key from here Developers Google

    Contact Listing for WP Job Manager
    By Astoundify
    meta: Version:1.4.1 Last updated:4 weeks ago Active installations:10,000+ WordPress Version:4.7.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Tags:gravity formsjobjob applyjob listingwp-job-manager
    Sites using the WP Job Manager plugin can use any of the supported plugins and allow visitors to contact the connected application email (or resume author) directly.
    Supported Form Plugins
    Gravity Forms
    Ninja Forms
    Contact Form 7
    Astoundify has released two themes that are fully integrated with the WP Job Manager plugin. Check out “Jobify” and our WordPress Directory theme “Listify”
    The plugin can also be used on any theme but no extra styling (outside the CSS that comes with the form plugins) is used.

    Regions for WP Job Manager
    By Astoundify
    meta: Version:1.17.7 Last updated:4 weeks ago Active installations:10,000+ WordPress Version:4.7.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Languages:See all 4 Tags:jobjob listingjob region
    Adds a “Job Region” taxonomy so the site administrator can control a set of predefined regions listings can be assigned to.
    Note: Listings are not filtered by regions. They are simply used as an organization tool.
    Astoundify has released two themes that are fully integrated with the WP Job Manager plugin. Check out “Jobify” and our WordPress Directory theme “Listify”
    contributor: Astoundify: https://profiles.wordpress.org/astoundify/

    WP Job Manager – Company Profiles
    By Astoundify
    meta: Version:1.4 Last updated:4 weeks ago Active installations:8,000+ WordPress Version:4.4 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Languages:See all 3 Tags:companiesjobjob listing

    Outputs a list of all companies that have submitted jobs with links to their listings and profile.
    Astoundify has released the first fully integrated WP Job Manager theme. Check out “Jobify”
    contributor: Astoundify: https://profiles.wordpress.org/astoundify/

    Go Fetch Jobs (for WP Job Manager)
    By Bruno Carreço
    meta: Version:1.6.6 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:1,000+ WordPress Version:4.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.2.4 or higher Tags:feedimportjobsrsswp-job-manager
    officiel site: http://gofetchjobs.com/
    demo-site: http://gofetchjobs.com/wp-job-manager/wp-admin/index.php?demo=1

    (NEW!) Premium versions (with Trial) now available for:
    – WP Job Openings (Trial)
    – Simple Job Board (Trial)
    – WPJobBoard (Trial)

    Instantly populate your WP Job Manager site with jobs from the most popular job sites and/or job aggregators. This handy plugin fetches jobs from RSS feeds and imports them to your jobs database. Pick your favorite job site/job directory, look for the jobs RSS feed, paste it directly to Go Fetch Jobs and instantly get fresh jobs in your database!
    To help you quickly getting fresh jobs from external sites, Go Fetch Jobs comes bundled with ready to use RSS feeds and detiled instructions on how to setup RSS feeds for job sites that provide them.
    Easily categorize bulk job imports with job categories, job types, default custom fields values and expiry dates.
    Besides the usual Title + Description + Date usually provided by RSS feeds, Go Fetch Jobs can also (optionally) extract andauto fill job companies logos, company names and locations, if that information is provided by the RSS feed.
    It also comes with the ability to save import rules as templates so you can later recycle/re-use them for new imports.
    Upgrade to a Premium plan to keep it automatically updated with fresh jobs added every day, through automatic schedules! (*)

    http://www.bruno-carreco.com Been developing plugins and custom themes ever since.
    http://www.freemius.com: Analytics, Monetization, and Marketing Automation for WordPress plugin and theme developers.
  4. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    MAS Companies For WP Job Manager
    By MadrasThemes

    meta: Version:1.0.3 Last updated:5 days ago Active installations:200+ WordPress Version:4.7 or higher Tested up to:5.6 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Tags:companiescompanycompany managementcompany manager

    MAS Companies For WP Job Manager plugin is an extension of WP Job Manager plugin that allow your users to post their companies directly.
    All companies posted by the user can be managed in the company dashboard page.
    You can also add widget to search companies and filter companies by taxonomies.
    Also you can simply customize the dashboard, company submit form and etc with your style, by editing the specific template.

    see more images:

    Kader Ibrahim S
    Farook Ibrahim
    Yusuf Ansari

    Import Listings into WP Job Manager
    By Soflyy
    meta: Version:1.1.0 Last updated:8 months ago Active installations:3,000+ WordPress Version:4.1.0 or higher Tested up to:5.4.4 Tags:import directoryimport job listingsimport listingsjob directoryTags: wp job manager

    The WP Job Manager Add-On for WP All Import makes it easy to bulk import your job listings to the WP Job Manager plugin in less than 10 minutes. The left side shows all of the fields that you can import to and the right side displays a job from your XML/CSV file. Then you can simply drag & drop the data from your XML or CSV into the WP Job Manager fields to import it.
    The importer is so intuitive it is almost like manually adding a job opening in WP Job Manager.

    Description: The WP Job Manager Add-On for WP All Import makes it easy to bulk import your job listings to the WP Job Manager plugin in less than 10 minutes. The left side shows all of the fields that you can import to and the right side displays a job from your XML/CSV file. Then you can simply drag & drop the data from your XML or CSV into the WP Job Manager fields to import it.
    The importer is so intuitive it is almost like manually adding a job opening in WP Job Manager.

    WHY YOU SHOULD USE THE WP JOB MANAGER ADD-ON FOR WP ALL IMPORT: Instead of using the Custom Fields section of WP All Import, you are shown the fields like Listing Expiry Date, Company Name, etc. in plain English.
    Automatically find the job location just like manually adding a job.
    Full support for WP Job Manager’s job search dropdowns, categories, regions, settings, and fields.
    Supports files in any format and structure. There are no requirements that the data in your file be organized in a certain way. CSV imports into WP Job Manager is easy, no matter the structure of your file.
    Supports files of practically unlimited size by automatically splitting them into chunks. WP All Import is limited solely by your server settings.


    Screening Questions For WP Job Manager

    By Kishore: https://wordpress.org/plugins/screening-questions-for-wp-job-manager/

    meta: Version:1.0.4 Last updated:3 months ago Active installations:80+ WordPress Version:4.4 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Tags:wp-job-managerwp-job-manager-application: Screening Questions extension integrates with WP Job Manager plugin and lets companies add screening questions to job posts. Candidates can answer screening question while applying for the job.

    Integrates with WP Job manager Plugin
    Lets employers add screening questions
    Suggested questions
    Application with answers
    Read more about Screening Questions For WP Job Manager.

    Screening Questions For WP Job Manager plugin needs the following plugins to be installed:

    http://www.wpdrift.com Build & Deploy powerful connections. We create beautiful Products for WordPress. Code Crafted With Coffee. Our Codes Are Loaded. Not Bloated. All
    https://profiles.wordpress.org/upnrunn/ : upnrunn technologies
    saurabhd: http://www.axelerant.com

    Ultimate Member & Job Manager
    By SuitePlugins
    meta: Version: Last updated:1 year ago Active installations:700+ WordPress Version:3.8 or higher Tested up to:5.2.9 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Languages:See all 2 Tags:Ultimate Memberwp-job-managerwp-job-manager-applicationswp-job-manager-bookmarks

    This plugin integrates WP Job Manager and its extensions into your Ultimate Member user profiles.
    This plugin needs Ultimate Member and WP Job Manager to be installed! Ultimate Member Job Manager is compatible with the following WP Job Manager extensions: Applications, Bookmarks and Job Alerts. A separate tab will be available in the user profile for every installed extension.
    Pro Version

    Integrates with the following:
    WP Job Manager – Applications
    WP Job Manager – Resume Manager
    WP Job Manager – Bookmarks
    WP Job Manager – Job Alerts.
    Visit the following link for more pro features:

    Contributors & Developers
    suiteplugins.com: https://suiteplugins.com/

    WP Job Manager Filter Widget

    By Tushar Kapdi
    meta: Version:1.0 Last updated:1 year ago Active installations:600+ WordPress Version:3.6 or higher Tested up to:5.2.9 Tags:filterwp-job-manager: WP Job Manager Filter widget where you can sort/filter jobs by Keyword, Location, Featured, Filled, Job Type and Category in your sidebar.

    OPTIONS: Title
    Widget CSS class
    Option to filter by Keyword
    Option to filter by Location
    Option to filter by Featured
    Option to filter by Filled
    Option to filter by Job Type
    Option to filter by Category

    contributors: Tushar Kapdi


    Customization Snippets:
    Note: All code examples on this site are provided for developer reference/guidance only and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins.

    This page consists of all the customization snippets we have so far. We may occasionally add new ones and we encourage everyone to also send their own snippets to us! If you add a customization that you think will benefit others, get in touch with us via our Support form. The more snippets we put on this page, the more it will be useful for everyone!

    Change the From: name in the Job Alert notification
    Change the From: email in the Job Alert notification
    Remove the “My Packages” section from My Account
    Specify language to use for geocoding
    Add Underline button to the TinyMCE editor toolbar
    Add Job ID to Job Meta
    Send email to candidate when resume is approved
    Count Bookmarks
    Change “Bookmark this Job” to “Save this Job”
    Use alternative login page
    Redirect when an application is submitted
    Redirect when a resume is submitted
    Increase HTTP timeout to 30 seconds
    Remove “Listing Expires” column from Job Dashboard
    Deregister application.js
    Change default new role in WooCommerce
    Add e-mail setting field to WPJM Resume
    Remove the sign-in option from WPJM Resume Submission
    Prefill the Locations field for a job posting to a particular town
    Prefill the company logo field
    Improve WPJM search when using Polylang
    Hide ‘hired’ candidates from applications list in Job Dashboard
    Add Display Job Categories Shortcode
    Add Display Job Categories Shortcode for a single listing
    Redirect to Job Dashboard after job submission
    Make custom meta field searchable
    Change the From: details for the Applications Employer notification
    Change the From: details for the Applications Candidate notification
    Remove a field from the job submission page
    Enable comments on job listings
    Change the number of tags displaying in the job listing page
    Exclude resume (CV) files in notification emails to employers
    Add custom email frequency for WPJM Job Alerts
    Remove all company details from the job submission page
    Change the default Job Type in job submission form to ‘freelance’
    Show hidden WooCommerce products when selecting a job package

    wie schon gesagt - die Snippets finde ich besonders interessant.

    Ich persönlich setze WP-Jobmanager ein - und freue mich über die große Gemeinde, die dies ebenso tut. Das Supportforum auf WP.Org zeigt wie viel hier los ist, wie viele Leute das weltweit einsetzen.

    - Zuletzt: deine Idee, etwas auf die Beine zu stellen das aussieht wie die Anwendung (Jobware) - kann ich mir leicht vorstellen. WP-Jobmanager hat m.E. das Zeug dazu.

    Deiner Kreativität sind hier m.E. kaum Grenzen gesetzt: ;)

    Viel Erfolg u. ein schoenes Wochenende,
  5. MartinMUC

    MartinMUC New Member

    Registriert seit:
    11. Januar 2022
    Hallo Südtiroler,

    ganz herzlichen Dank für Deine Antworten und die ausführliche Zusammenstellung an Informationen - da habe ich jetzt einiges zum durchforsten ;)
    Du schreibst, dass Du den WP-Jobmanager einsetzt. Darf ich ganz blauäugig fragen: Machst Du das als Freelancer oder Agentur und dürfte ich mal eine umgesetzte Lösung sehen?

    Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus München
  6. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    Hallo Martin,

    .... du kriegst noch mehr zum Durchforsten: 136 Seiten - die WP Jobmanager einsetzten.

    gardez: https://builtwith.com/website-lists/Wp-Job-Manager

    136 Results in this Full Report. · Page 1 of 6
    Seiten rund um den Globus - alle moeglichen Länder - auf vielen Kontinenten:

    mit Daten zu: Website Website - Location - Sales - Revenue - Tech Spend - Traffic

    Das ist ne ganze Menge.

    Darüber hinaus noch ein weiterer Tipp: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-job-manager/
    Dort triffst du sehr viele Leute (Agenturen, Freelancer, Site-Betreiber), die grade aktuell ihre

    - Seite bauen
    - Seite weiterbauen
    - Seite umbauen etc. etx.

    Diese (Agenturen, Freelancer, Site-Betreiber) diskutieren in insgesamt mehr als 1500 Threads den Einsatz von WP-Jobmanager. Da stecken insgesamt sehr viele Infos drinne,

    M.a.W. noch viel mehr als schon oben erwähnt: Eine echte Tonne an Infos, Tipps und Anregungen

    Viel Spaß

    #6 suedtiroler, 18. Januar 2022
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 18. Januar 2022
  7. MartinMUC

    MartinMUC New Member

    Registriert seit:
    11. Januar 2022
    Vielen Dank für den ganzen Input, Südtiroler!

    Wie würdest Du jetzt an meiner Stelle vorgehen: Einen Freelancer suchen, der bereits erfahren ist im WP Jobmanager, weil er/sie bereits mehrere Projekte umgesetzt hat? Oder würdest Du sagen, unsere sehr findige technische WP-Betreuerin kann sich da auch in das Thema (auch dank Deiner Quellen) schnell reinfuchsen? Als jemand, der WP nur als Redakteur bedient, fällt es mir sehr schwer einzuschätzen, ob das auch bei Erstkontakt mit dem WP Job Manager ein völlig normales Projekt für einen WP-Experten ist oder sich Vorerfahrung extrem auszeichnet?
    Oder würdest Du einfach ein Theme wie Jobify nehmen, wo der WP Job Manager integriert ist?
    Kennst Du ein Job-Multiposting-plugin oder add on, welches erlaubt einen Job auf der Seite 1 einzustellen und gleichzeitig auf der Seite 2 (die einem ebenfalls gehört) genauso auszuspielen?
    Welche add-ons sind Deiner Ansicht nach „must-haves"? So etwas https://matadorjobs.com/products/google-indexing-api-for-wp-job-manager/ wahrscheinlich in jedem Fall.

    Sorry für meine laienhaften Fragen ;)

    Einen schönen Abend und beste Grüße
  8. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    Hallo Martin,

    hier - mal ganz allgem. Tipps, die ggf. für dein Projekt hilfreich sein können...

    fang klein an - deine WP-Entwicklerin kann hier locker mithalten.
    -fokusiere dich auf deine Zielgruppe;
    -bau die Seite Zug um Zug um neue Features aus.
    -sammle User-Eindrücke, und Erfahrungen; evaluiere also...

    hier noch ein paar Orientierungen: ich setzte Projekte immer so an.. schlank und orientiere mich an Eric Ries Konzept des Lean Starttups, und an den digitaler Design Prinziples:

    und seit langem nehme ich diese 10 digital design principles

    vgl. hierzu:

    besonders wichtig: m.E. Lean Startup - vgl. Eric Ries

    zentrale Thesen & Schritte:

    Daraus folgt: Fang einfach klein an -Meine These: deine WP-Entwicklerin kann hier locker mithalten.
    Bau die Seite Zug um Zug um neue Features aus. Sammle User-Eindrücke, und Erfahrungen; evaluiere also...

    vgl. zum Ganzen:
    a. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Ries
    b. https://twitter.com/ericries
    b. http://theleanstartup.com/
    c. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-06/the-followup-to-the-lean-startup-is-available-only-on-kickstarter
    d. startuplessonslearned.com

    PS. Du kannst die Design-Thinking-Thesen im Grunde schon bei den HP-Rules of the Garage (1941) nachlesen. Hewlett & Packard haben es m.E. unübetroffen kurz auf den Punkt gebracht.

    Der Grundgedanke des DT Ansatzes ist es kleine Produktinkremente zu entwickeln, diese (potentiellen) Kunden zur Verfügung zu stellen und das Feedback in die weitere Entwicklung einfliessen zu lassen. So verlierst du wenig Zeit - bekommst sehr rasch auch Feedback deiner Zielgruppe und kommst auf den Pfad des Erfolgs (vgl. zentral hier Eric Ries).

    und ja: jetzt doch noch etwas WordPress - bezogenes:

    Fang auf alle Fälle mit der V 5.9 an - mit einem Block Theme. Es ist wie ein ICE der nächstens in den Bhf einfährt. Vgl. hierzu die anderen Threads hier im Forum - zum Thema WP 5.9. Lies hier auch immer https://www.wpTavern.com - damit kriegst du bezogen auf die Aktualität der WP im Allgemeinen immer gute Anregungen.
    Damit würd ich anfangen. und ja noch ein letzter kurzer Gedanke zum WP-Jobmanager.

    ggf. ist das Addon Bundle für dich interessant - also das Paket aus ca 10 ADDons worunter auch
    Job-Alert, ein WooCommerce Einbindung mit dabei ist.

    viel Erfolg.
    #8 suedtiroler, 21. Januar 2022
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. Januar 2022
    MartinMUC gefällt das.
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