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WordCamp Europe 2025 (Juni in Basel, CH) geht in die Planungsphase - Mitmacher gesucht!

Dieses Thema im Forum "WordCamp" wurde erstellt von suedtiroler, 28. August 2024.

  1. suedtiroler

    suedtiroler Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. März 2021
    WordCamp Europe 2025 (Juni in Basel, CH) geht in die Planungsphase

    WordCamp Europe 2025, scheduled to take place from June 5 – 7, 2025, in Basel, Switzerland is looking for organizers to make this flagship event a grand success.

    Die Planungsphase dieser Veranstaltung beginnt im September 2024. Die Organisatoren werden an wöchentlichen oder zweiwöchentlichen Meetings im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung teilnehmen und in Teams arbeiten, darunter Budget, Community, Inhalt und Design.

    Das WordCamp Europe 2024 in Turin, Italien, erhielt die prestigeträchtige Schirmherrschaft des Europäischen Parlaments, die von Roberta Metsola, Präsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments, verliehen wurde. Die Veranstaltung betonte Zugänglichkeit und Inklusivität und wurde von 2.584 Teilnehmern aus über 70 Ländern besucht. Die Veranstaltungen 2023 und 2022 wurden von der Community wegen mangelnder Vielfalt bei den Rednerlisten und Organisationsteams stark kritisiert, aber die Version 2024 machte dies mehr als wett.

    WordCamp Europe 2025 scheint in Bezug auf Zugänglichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit auf dem richtigen Weg zu sein. Der Veranstaltungsort Messe und Congress Center Basel ist für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität vollständig zugänglich und legt Wert auf ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Die Veranstaltung fällt jedoch mit Eid ul-Adha zusammen, einem wichtigen muslimischen Feiertag.

    see more infos: https://central.wordcamp.org/ - get full insights:

    The planning phase of this event will start in September 2024. Organizers will be involved in weekly or bi-weekly meetings leading up to the event and will work in teams including Budget, Community, Content, and Design.
    The WordCamp Europe 2024 in Torino, Italy received prestigious patronage from the European Parliament, granted by Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament. The event emphasized accessibility and inclusivity and was attended by 2,584 attendees from over 70 countries. The 2023 and 2022 events were heavily criticized by the community for lack of diversity in speaker lineups and organizing teams but the 2024 version more than made up for it.
    WordCamp Europe 2025 looks to be on the right track when it comes to accessibility and sustainability. The venue Messe and Congress Center Basel are fully accessible for people with mobility challenges and prioritize environmental sustainability. However, the event coincides with Eid ul-Adha, a major Muslim holiday.
    The organizers have assured that: “While we cannot change the dates, the organizing team is committed to making WCEU 2025 more inclusive of attendees who are celebrating Eid ul-Adha. To do this, we will consult with the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Working Group and attendees of the Muslim community to find initiatives that support them to feel welcome at our event during those dates.”
    The last date for applying is August 31, 2024, at 23:59 CEST. While it is recommended that applicants be based within European time zones due to meeting schedules, any WordPress enthusiast from around the globe can apply.
    Though all WordCamp communications will be in English, knowledge of French or German is essential to apply for the local team.
    Those interested in hosting WordCamp Europe 2026 are encouraged to apply for the 2025 organizing team to gain valuable experience and insight into event logistics and organizational requirements.

    see more - get more insights into WordCamp-events:
    the article:
    the dentral: https://central.wordcamp.org/
    Upcoming WordCamps
    WordCamp Bogotá 30 August–31 August
    WordCamp Jinja 2024 5 September–6 September
    WordCamp US 17 September–20 September
    WordCamp Pontevedra sobre emprendimiento 21 September–22 September
    WordCamp Bretagne 27 September :: https://central.wordcamp.org/wordcamps/wordcamp-bretagne/
    The first regional-scale WordCamp in France will take place in the most prestigious convention center in Rennes, capital city of the western region Brittany, on sept 27th, 2024. The event is backed by a diverse, complementary and experienced team from Nantes and Rennes. Members of the WordPress community who gathered to create and organize this original event have been involved in, and often creators of, local meetups, national and international WordCamps for several years.

    WordCamp Europe receives Patronage from the European Parliament: https://europe.wordcamp.org/2024/wordcamp-europe-receives-patronage-from-the-european-parliament/
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